Logo design
Here you’ll find a few examples of recent logos I've designed for print, online, and television.
All of these logos involved a certain give and take between the designer and client, but I think that's the best way to deliver something that will work well, last longer, and get the client's message across better.
Some examples
Athens Map Icons
These are a series of icons I created for The Red and Black, for use on one of their Visitor Guide maps. They're all created from my original photo references.

Smart Living Care
This is a logo for a German company that supplies a technology solution for the growing elderly population there, providing a turnkey solution for their customers. This logo is an evolution and simplification from an earlier version supplied by the client.

Georgia Alert
This is a logo for a regional online alert network which brings emergency information to its subscribers.

Dekalb Police Alliance
This non-profit organization is dedicated to education about, and the support of Dekalb County Police officers. I designed the logo in close cooperation with their board of directors, and provided suggested uses of the logo.

From initial logo design, to on-air and signage needs, I provided a complete solution for this station in Lima, Ohio.

This station in Portland, Maine wanted to embrace the Fox logo design, while still maintaining a look of their own. I adapted the Fox design, and created new, custom backgrounds to use for on-air and station signage.

Atlanta Magazine: Phoenix Follies
I designed this logo back in 2004, and it ended up being used for this annual feature for the next 3 years.

Real Magicalism
This is a logo for a fiction/comic anthology.